måndag 7 juli 2008

At the end of all things, Gadman del 5

Den 22:a Mars 2005 lämnade Vernon Carringtons kropp oss. Vi var många som bad den sista tiden, såväl natt som dag. Trots allas våra böner och vädjan så försvann han, om än bara tillfälligt ifrån oss. Jah har sina vägar och jag kan inte se det på annat vis än att Gadmans arbete var tillfälligt över och han var nu berättigad till lite god vila. Profeten kämpade för oss med full kraft och energi hela livet och det tog ut sin rätt. Vi kan känna tröst och ro i att rasta aldrig dör. Döden är Babylon business.

Selassie I väckte stammarna, Gadman förde oss samman. Nu ligger arbetet i våra händer, att vara ett rättfärdigt Israel tills den yttersta dagen står oss bi.

Här kommer sista delen i intervjun. Välsignad vare Gadman och våra stammar!

Okay, who should lead the repatriation exercise, because there are so many different organizations all over the world, African organizations, non-African organizations, but how involved should they be in helping black people who want to go back to Africa.?

"The first thing the OAU supposed to be the countries that come together and help voice for the return of the people in the western hemisphere back to Africa. I strongly believe they supposed to should be playing a part to help we to come home, who want to come."

What about reparations from Europe, from America, from Britain?

"Yes, well, we are going to need help because, you know, the ship is there, the plane is there, so we're looking for them to help to transport us back as even them said that they say the only thing to do now is away back the people them, and people that them send away, those are the people that help back the country."

So we get to back to who should lead, who should lead this exercise, this back to Africa movement. Who do you think should lead that?

"Well the Rastafarian must come together and elect a person to represent the body. And then out of that them know we can able to write, to these different people and to tell them that we are united. We would like them to help us."

The Shashamane land-grant is still in effect?

"The Shashamane land-grant is still in effect but there is a lot of things to clear up within the settlement."

Do you want to elaborate on that, some of the we need to clear up?

"Not at the moment."

Alright, so you say it is still in effect but there is things that need to be clear up. Now what is the 12 Tribes position on the EWF claim that all settlers, who of the land, that people who settle in Shashamane are squatters, if they do not settle through the permission of the EWF?

"I really surprise them to know that they are saying that who is there on the land, squatters. How can African going home, going back home, can become as a squatters, it is unbelievable. Squatters, impossible."

Is there need for Rastafarians to organize and centralize?

"Oh yes, there is an urgent need for the Rastafarian to organize. Yes, there is"

How do you think this process can begin?

"Well, somebody that is capable of call a meeting and if they're sincere, they call a meeting and hope and trust that from there we can get somewhere."

But you as a leader of the 12 Tribes of Israel you see a great need. Do you see yourself playing any part in that?

"I strongly believe that I will help and play my little part that I can as a person with organizing over the years when that process, you know.."

Alright, should there be a political as well as a spiritual arm of Rastafarians?

"There's political movements, it is there, but I am not here to deal with it. I am not fighting them. I am here to deal with the spiritual part of it. Not politically."

What are your thoughts on the Rastafarian Centralization Organization, the RCO ?

"I have no knowledge at the moment I only know that them is here so is only left now to see what they are saying, before I can give a definite statement about them, but I have no knowledge presently."

The RCO, they have been around for a little while. Haven't they contacted you officially, informing you of the organization and inviting you to join with them in the centralization process?

"It came here they send a letter inviting us to help with the school, but we never get to it, so that is the only letter that I know I have so far but I don't get any letter them invited me and such to come."

That is quite interesting that that is happening, that we have a Rastafarian Centralization Organization, and that the head of the biggest, the most organized Rastafarian movement in the world has not been invited to be a part in that centralization process. If you were invited, would you talk with them and see what's happening?

"Yes, I believe the time must come for me to play a part of, you know, I think I would go and hope and trust that they proceed orderly and they have no commotion, because I don't deal the commotion, the confusion. I strongly believe that the time has come for Rastafarian to come together."

I feel very good to hear that. The 12 Tribes of Israel have undoubtedly the most organized body of Rastafarians in the world, as I have said before, what role should the movement play in organizing Rastafarians in Jamaica, and in the rest of the world?

"Well, at least we are organizing for a good while now, we have the organ, the 12 Tribes of Israel, in Jamaica, it start here, it is in Ethiopia, it is in the United States, it is in United Kingdom, Sweden, it is Germany, New Zealand, Tobago, Ghana, Australia, Kenya, and Grenada."

That is 12 Tribes.....

"That is 12 Tribes organization in these other country, and some other country, it is still there, but..."

I am thinking that since the 12 Tribes has done so well in organizing the 12 Tribes of Israel, is there a particular role now that the 12 Tribes could play in helping then to organize the rest of the Rastafarians?

"Yes, well, I just said a while ago that I think that I could help, to play a part, to give a helping hand, not as somebody to come to take over nothing, but as a helping hand, to help organize them. So we're looking forward....."

2 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

GRymma inlägg om profeten broder!... precis han hade blivit kalla av Fadern att samla israel till tronen, och Israel är samlat och enat (oavsett var man befinner sig...så länge man känner Israel och HIM (som sin kung!...rastafari!) så spelar det ingen roll gällande geografin)

Men jag tycker det ändå är viktigt att undvika ett "vi och dem tänkande"...det är inte vad Jesus lärde och om vi inte alla är samlade i kristus i EN gemensam församling varför behövde då Jesus komma till alla människor?

Kristi Kärlek!

Unknown sa...

Underbar blogg och lysande intervju. En värdig text om Gadman.

Kärlek och liv; endast i Kristus


//kalle gad